Lucy The Cat

Lucy The Cat
This is my pet cat Lucy. She is a calico tortise shell. Lucy is also 7 years old!


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Saturday 16 March 2013

St. Patrick's Day- Leprechaun House

Fire_Cat Here!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!!!!! And I have made a Leprechaun house! Of course, The leprechauns haven't made it to my house yet, so I have no results of the house yet. But here is the house before the leprechauns have visited:

(I will post the results on my blog some time tomorrow, so be sure to check back on Dust Day!)

Here is what the house looks like from outside:

And the swimming pool and hot tub... (They will be filled with water before I go to bed.)

And a letter about the house: (I translated it into irish!)

Here is the house from the outside:

And the inside:

Find the number in the picture then find the matching number in the list below to find out what it is.
1) Snack Bucket- Will be filled with crackers, small candies and other things.

2) Note- telling instructions to turn on the light next to it.

3) Light- Push on the center once to turn it on, push again to turn it off.

4) Couch- Comfy and soft!

5)Bed- Also comfy and soft!

6) Table- Has 6 plates and a vase

7) Book Basket- contains 2 books. Fruits Around The World and Pawsteps Of A Cat

See you on the next post!!!
Friday 1 March 2013

St. Patrick's day sugar clover

Fire_Cat here!

St. Patrick's day is coming soon! In fact, it's already March 1st!
I thought, 
"I need a st. Patrick's day post on Dusty Day!" So, I decied to post this little project. It's really simple, yet fun!

To make a clover, paint a heart onto green paper. 
Paint another heart overlapping the first one.
Now, paint one more heart overlapping the other two

To finish off the clover, add a stem.

Here is the fun part! Take some baking sugar sprinkles and sprinkle them on to the wet clover. You may need to add some more paint onto the clover before you put the sugar on to be sure it is wet.

Add smaller clovers around the big one- but don't forget to sprinkle them with the sugar sprinkles!!

 Shake the extra sprinkles into the garbage can and let it dry. Now you're done!

See you on the next post! 

Wait, I caught this funny photo of Lucy the other day! I thought it was funny the was she was sitting!