Lucy The Cat

Lucy The Cat
This is my pet cat Lucy. She is a calico tortise shell. Lucy is also 7 years old!


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Tuesday 26 August 2014

Brown Paper Bag Owl Craft

Fire_Cat Here!!

And welcome back to another post. Today we will be making...

This Cutie!!!

This Brown Paperbag Owl craft is easy to make and fun.
Let's get started!!

First, Collect these materials:

-A brown paper bag
-Acrylic paint in at least three different colors of brown
-White, black and yellow acrylic paint
-Masking tape
-News paper / scrap paper

First, push out your paper bag.
 Alrighty, now ball up some newspaper...
 ...And stuff it in. Keep doing so until the bag is full about 3in of room left at the top.
 Now to make the ears. Start by pressing your finger down in the center of one side...
 ...And do it to the other side too. Hold it with a piece of tape. (Masking tape or painters tape works best because you can paint over it.)
 Great! Now we can start painting. Get some dark brown paint and paint on some wing shapes. Fill them in.
 Now let's paint the head. Get a slightly lighter shade of brown and paint on a shape like so:
 Paint all the way around the head, painting the ears too. 

Great!! Now, lets paint some feathers on the belly. With a very light shade of brown paint a V shape...
 ...And with a dry brush pull the paint upward.
 Do this a bunch of times so it looks like this:
 Looking good! Now, lets paint the face. Wow, the paint drys fast on this bag. Why don't they make canvases out of this stuff?

Ok, face. Right. Start with some white paint and paint on two white circles to be the white part of the eye.
 Now get a nice yellow color and paint on a beak at the tip of the face.
 Once the white eyes are semi - dry, you can paint two black dots to be the pupils.
 Yay! It looks so cute! Let dry and place your owl in a place where it can be seen. ;)
 Happy fall everyone! I hope you enjoyed this craft!!

See you all next post, bye!